Instrumentors, inc. designs and manufactures materials testing instruments. These have application mainly in the adhesives, polymers, rubber, paper and packaging film industries. The product line includes instruments to measure peel strength, release properties, coefficient of friction and seal strengths.

Instrumentors was incorporated in 1973. It occupies its own modern 10,000 square ft. building in Strongsville Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland.

Up-to-date production facilities let Instrumentors employ the latest in manufacturing technology. In addition to CAD and CAM, Instrumentors makes extensive use of its CNC metals fabrication equipment.

All Instrumentors products are marketed, world-wide, through IMASS INC. Please visit for product descriptions and other information.

Instrumentors, inc.
22077 Drake Rd.
Strongsville Oh 44149
Phone 440-238-3430
FAX 440-238-4746
email us